A Holiday Message for Your Mind and Body

A Holiday Message for Your Mind and Body

Happy Holidays! As the holiday season unfolds, we’re reminded of the diversity of traditions that mark this time of year. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, or simply enjoy the quieter moments of year-end reflection, this is a season rich with...
Celebrating Two Years of Brain Energy!

Celebrating Two Years of Brain Energy!

Two years ago, Brain Energy was published, sparking a global movement to revolutionize how we understand and treat mental health. Reflecting on this milestone, I am filled with gratitude, hope, and determination to continue this important work. The journey has been...
Election Results, Discord, and the Need for Unity

Election Results, Discord, and the Need for Unity

In the aftermath of a charged election season, we’re left facing not just the outcome on the ballot but the intense emotions and polarization these results leave behind. Many feel relieved, while others are fearful. Some are caught in a loop of anger or resentment...