Transforming Metabolic and Mental Health Through Real Food

by | Oct 14, 2023 | Partnerships

Happy and joyful children eating healthy food in the schoolyard. Back to school concept.

Eat Real is a nonprofit organization dedicated to revolutionizing the way we think about food and its impact on human health, the environment, and society. Founded on the principle that real food should be accessible and affordable to everyone, the organization aims to combat the growing challenges of chronic disease, obesity, and environmental degradation by transforming the food landscape.

One of the most innovative aspects of Eat Real is its focus on a multi-pronged approach to change. It not only educates consumers about the benefits of eating whole, unprocessed foods but also works directly with farmers, producers, and schools to create a sustainable, healthy food system. By engaging multiple stakeholders, Eat Real looks to create a ripple effect of change that extends from the individual to entire communities.

Eat Real has a range of programs aimed at different sectors of society. For instance, their school programs focus on providing healthier meal options for children while educating them on the importance of good nutrition. This goes hand-in-hand with their work in communities where they collaborate with local farmers to encourage sustainable farming practices. The goal is to ensure that not only are people eating better, but that the planet is also being cared for in the process.

Another pillar of their mission is advocacy. Eat Real believes that real change can only happen when policies that promote a healthier food system are implemented. They actively engage in advocating for legislative changes that incentivize organic and sustainable farming, as well as food transparency and strategic investment. Their campaigns aim to raise real food awareness and shift our food culture so we can restore happiness-spans, health-spans, and life-spans in America.

While many organizations in the food and health sector focus either on individual behavior or systemic change, Eat Real combines these approaches. This makes their mission both comprehensive and impactful.

Through educational initiatives, community outreach, and policy advocacy, they are not just creating awareness about the importance of eating real food. They’re also providing the tools and resources for people to make that choice easier and more sustainable.

Nora LaTorre, the CEO of Eat Real, has read Brain Energy and spoken with Dr. Chris Palmer and is a huge fan of the science that connects the food that we eat with our brain and mental – and metabolic – health. She and Dr. Palmer hope to collaborate in meaningful ways.

There is strong evidence that metabolic dysfunction, which is worsened by ultra-processed foods, can precede mental illness in both adults and youth. Dr. Palmer and Eat Real want to do more to address the youth mental health crisis as well as prevent it for young children.

In a world increasingly burdened by the effects of poor diet and environmental neglect, both Eat Real and Brain Energy stand as beacons of change. By bridging the gap between individual choice and systemic transformation, they offer a holistic solution to some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

These joint efforts are particularly critical for children who are experiencing increased mental illness and metabolic disease. Solutions and collaborations that prevent and stop disease before it starts through the expansion of real food access are being overlooked as a leading upstream solution. Real food can play a protective role in supporting mental health, metabolic health, and the overall health of children.

For more information on Eat Real, visit their website at

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